Chapter Bylaws
Section 1 ‑ Name. This organization, a not‑for‑profit corporation, shall be known as The New Mexico Chapter of the American College of Cardiology (hereinafter referred to as the
Section 2 ‑ Purpose. The purpose of the Chapter shall be to contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and to ensure optimal quality of care for individuals with such diseases. In carrying out these purposes, the Chapter shall function, in consultation with the leadership of the College, as a source of advice to local and New Mexico governmental and professional organizations and promote professional education issues related to cardiovascular disease. The Chapter shall, in the interest of patients, physicians, and the public in general, maintain a high level of social consciousness and involvement with socioeconomic factors and access to the highest possible quality of cardiovascular health care.
Section 1 ‑ Eligibility. All members of the American College of Cardiology residing in New Mexico shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter.
Section 2. ‑ Classes of Members: The Chapter shall have eleven classes of membership. The qualifications for membership in the respective classes are:
1. Cardiovascular Team – Shall be available to professionals in the cardiovascular work setting. A Cardiovascular Team member shall have recognized education, training, and licensure/certification, and/or formal appointment relevant and customary for the professional type. A Cardiovascular Administrator may also be a member of the College. This is a non-voting category of membership that can be appointed to committees, task forces, and working groups.
2. Associate of the American College of Cardiology (AACC) – (a) Shall be a nurse, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, clinical pharmacist, physician assistant, or cardiovascular technologist who (a) is nationally board certified by a credentialing body recognized by the American College of Cardiology; (b) has been a member of the ACC for at least two years; and (c) has at least five years of experience in a clinical area of expertise within cardiology.
3. Fellow-in-Training – United States, U.S. Territories and Canada – Shall be currently engaged in a formal cardiovascular related training program in fulfillment of requirements for admission to an examination by a subspecialty board which holds membership in the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association. Fellow-in-Training members will transition to the Affiliate category upon successful completing of the training program.
Fellow-in-Training – Residing Outside the United States, U.S. Territories and Canada – Shall be currently engaged in a formal cardiovascular-related training program. Fellow-in-Training members will transition to the International Associate category upon successfully completing the training program.
4. Affiliate – (a) Shall have satisfactorily completed a formal cardiovascular related training program in fulfillment of requirements for admission to an examination by a subspecialty board which holds membership in the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association. (b) Lacking board certification, candidates are expected to provide evidence from the local community of having attained peer recognition as practicing cardiovascular specialists.
5. Associate Fellow – United States, U.S. Territories and Canada – (a) Shall have board certification by a primary specialty board which holds membership in the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association, plus evidence of formal cardiovascular training and other evidence from his/her community of having attained peer recognition as a consultant. (b) In lieu of the above, a candidate shall have made important scientific contributions and shall have devoted the major share of his/her efforts over a period of years to the cardiovascular field.
6. Fellow – United States, U.S. Territories and Canada – (a) Shall have certification by both a primary specialty board and an applicable subspecialty board which holds membership in the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association. (b) Lacking Board certification, candidates are expected to have made important scientific contributions over a period of years to a cardiovascular field. (c) The candidate shall provide evidence from his/her community that he/she is recognized by peers as a specialist or as a scientist.
Fellow – Residing outside United States, U.S. Territories and Canada – Those candidates applying for Fellowship should be recognized as clearly outstanding in their own country by (a) holding a leadership role cardiology; or Professor or Associate Professor or; (b) usually having achieved an international reputation with a sizeable number of publications in cardiovascular related peer-reviewed indexed journals. Candidates may have certification by both a primary and subspecialty board which holds membership in either the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Advisory Board for Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association.
7. International Associate – A category of membership for other cardiovascular physician or scientist candidates. Candidates applying for International Associate will be recognized in their own country by having relevant recognized/accredited medical education, cardiovascular training, and licensure/certification OR cardiovascular-related academic or research appointment at a recognized institution.
8. Emeritus Status – A Fellow, Associate Fellow, or Affiliate of the College who is fully retired and is 65 years of age or older or who has been a member of the College for more than thirty consecutive years, is 60 years of age, and is fully retired, is eligible upon request to be named Emeritus. Such a status permits a waiver of national and applicable chapter dues and fees, but not the cost of the hard copy College journals.
Emeritus Status – A Cardiovascular Team member or Associate of the American College of Cardiology who is fully retired and is 65 years of age or older; or who has been a member of the College for more than five consecutive years, is 60 years of age, and is fully retired, is eligibleupon request to be named Emeritus. Such a status permits a waiver of national and applicable chapter dues and fees but not the cost of the hard copy College journals.
9. Master – A Fellow of the College who has been active in the College for more than fifteen years may be recommended to the Board of Trustees to be designated a Master of the American College of Cardiology (MACC). Annually the Officers and Trustees of the College shall be asked individually to submit names of suggested nominees to the Awards Committee which, in turn, shall make its recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Additionally, past presidents are recognized as Masters. Election shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
10. Distinguished Fellow – A Fellow of the College who has performed outstanding service in the interest of the College may be recommended to the Board of Trustees to be elected Distinguished Fellow. Annually the membership shall be asked to submit names of suggested nominees to the Awards Committee which, in turn, shall make its recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Election shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
11. Honorary Fellow – Any qualified scientist or physician is eligible to become an Honorary Fellow. Annually the membership shall be asked to submit names of suggested nominees to the Awards Committee which, in turn, shall make its recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Election shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
CV Team
Section 3 ‑ Voting and Office Holding Rights. Only Active members of the Chapter in good standing shall be eligible to vote. Only members of Fellowship status may hold office in the Chapter; other classes of Chapter membership shall be eligible to serve on committees of the Chapter.
Section 4 ‑ Termination of Membership. Membership in the Chapter shall terminate when the member ceases to hold membership in the American College of Cardiology or fails to pay Chapter dues as specified in Article VIII.
Section 1 ‑ Officers. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of the President, the Immediate Past President, and the Secretary‑Treasurer. The American College of Cardiology Governor for the New Mexico of New Mexico shall serve concurrently as the President of the Chapter. The American College of Cardiology Immediate Past Governor for the New Mexico of New Mexico shall serve concurrently as the Immediate Past President of the Chapter.
Section 2 ‑ Election and Term of Office. Governors of the College are elected through a process as set forth in the Bylaws of the American College of Cardiology. The term of office for College Governors is three (3) years; therefore, the Chapter President’s term shall be for a like number of years. The Chapter Immediate Past President shall also serve a term of three (3) years. The Chapter Secretary-Treasurer shall serve a term of two (2) years and shall be elected by the members of the Chapter by ballot. The Secretary‑Treasurer may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms as Secretary‑Treasurer.
Section 3 ‑ Vacancies. If a vacancy for the office of President occurs for any cause, it shall be filled, after consultation with the Chapter, in accordance with the Bylaws of the American College of Cardiology. If the offices of Immediate Past President or Secretary‑Treasurer become vacant, these positions shall be filled by action of the members of the Council and subsequently ratified by the members of the Council.
Section 1 ‑ General Powers. The administration, property, and activities of the Chapter shall be managed by its Council.
Section 2 ‑ Composition. The Council shall consist of the officers of the Chapter, at least three (3) but not more than seven (7) active members from different geographic areas, one (1) CV team member, one (1) representative from a New Mexico cardiology fellowship program Society.
Section 3 ‑ Election and Term of Office.
- District Councilors. Councilors shall be appointed to two‑year terms terms at the establishment of the chapter. For subsequent years, councilors shall be elected by the members of the Chapter by ballot of candidates proposed by the officers and shall serve two‑year terms. Councilors may serve three consecutive two year terms.
b. New Mexico Cardiology Fellows Representative. The representative shall be currently attending one of cardiology fellowship programs in the New Mexico.
Section 4 ‑ Vacancies. A vacancy on the council for members other than the President may be filled by action of the members of the Council at any meeting of the Council. The individual so appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor.
Section 5 ‑ Meetings. Meetings of the Council may be called by the Chapter President, who also serves as Chair of the Council, or at the request of a majority of Council members. The President shall fix the place for holding all Council meetings unless otherwise directed by the Council. The Council shall meet at least once a year.
Section 6 ‑ Notice. A notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and the purpose(s) for which the meeting is called shall be sent to each Council member not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting.
Section 7 ‑ Quorum. A majority of the members of the Council, when duly called and assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Council.
Section 1 ‑ Establishment and Composition. Committees may be established by resolution of the Council adopted at any duly called and constituted meeting. The size, purpose(s), and powers of any such committee shall be as provided in such resolution. The President of the Chapter shall, in consultation with the Council, appoint the members of each such committee. The term of service of any committee member may be terminated by the President whenever, in the judgment of the President and the Council, the best interests of the Chapter shall be served by such termination.
Section 2 ‑ Term of Office. The term of office for the members of all committees, with the exception the Nominating Committee and the Executive Committee shall be determined by the Council.
Section 3 ‑ Chairman. A chairman for each committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee and the Executive Committee, shall be appointed by the President of the Chapter.
Section 4 ‑ Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of any committee shall be filled by appointments made by the Chapter President. The individual so appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor.
Section 5 ‑ Reporting. All Chapter committees shall report to the Council.
Section 6 ‑ Standing Committees. Standing Committees of the Chapter shall be: Advocacy Committee, Third Party Reimbursement Committee, Nominating Committee, and Executive Committee.
Section 7 ‑ Special Committees and Task Forces. Upon recommendation by the Chapter President, the Council may establish special or ad hoc committees to address special subjects of interest to the Chapter. Each such as hoc group shall have a specific charge and a time frame for ending.
Section 8 ‑ Nominating Committee.
a. Committee Composition: The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair on this committee the other members of the committee shall be the current President and the previous President. As subscribed in the ACC bylaws.
b. Charge and Function of Nominating Committee: The committee shall recommend to the ACC at least one nominee for President. The committee shall not nominate any of its members to any position on the ballot.
Section 9 ‑ Executive Committee.
a. General powers: The executive committee shall have the authority to exercise all powers vested in the council between all meetings of the council.
b. Composition of the Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the chapter.
c. Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the President.
d. Quorum: A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Annual dues and assessments shall be set by the Council and approved by the American College of Cardiology prior to implementation. Dues shall be charged for only active members.
The bylaws may be amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by ballot with a two‑thirds (2/3) approval of members who responded provided that written notice of the proposed change(s) has been mailed to each voting Council member at least thirty (30) days before the final vote count.